Welcome Singles! How I wish someone would have presented the following thoughts to me as a single. My life may have been spared the heartache of wrong decisions and wasted time. Since we've all been given a free will before God, you may still make foolish decisions and waste your time, but it won't be because you didn't KNOW there was a better way.
First, are you confident you are Born-Again? That term simply means that the Holy Spirit of God has quickened (made alive) your dead spirit. This happens when you admit to God that you have sinned (disobeyed God's commandments), and it grieves you to the point of wanting God's forgiveness. You understand that Jesus Christ, God's Son, died on the cross of Calvary to take the punishment all sin deserves. You humbly ask God to forgive you because of Jesus Christ's suffering and death on your behalf. He rose again from death on the third day and because He had the power to do this, He says you are now raised to New Life in Him! II Corinthians 5:17 says, "Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new."
If you are born-again, I Corinthians 6:19 & 20 say, "What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? For ye are bought with a price; therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's" This means that even though we have a free will, if we recognize the great and loving work God has provided on our behalf, it is only reasonable that He deserves our full trust and willing obedience. I don't know why we would rather do things OUR WAY as we only get ourselves into trouble, mess, regret, heartache, etc. I Corinthians 2:9 says, "But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him."
One day a special someone will enter your life. It should be someone God has worked to bring you - not one you had to go find. You will want to be ready and right. You won't need to rush anything even though it's very exciting to finally "see" this treasure God has for you. Until God provides this special someone you have quite a bit of work to do.
Such as...
Establish as sincere walk with God. Attend a Bible teaching church faithfully, and willingly serve as the Lord leads. You may not be able to teach a class or commit to something every week because of school or work, but there are things you can offer to do as needs arise. Participate in fellowships and let the church family be a family to you. You may think you don't have much to offer, but your mere presence and willingness to be a part of the family means more to others and the Pastor than you would know. Read your Bible every day. Daily read chapters of Psalms & Proverbs. Meditate on what you read. Seek the Lord's wisdom and how it applies today in your life. Through the Bible schedules are available online. Even if you miss at times or can't keep up, keep reading! The lost world NEVER reads the Bible, you will be blessed because you do!
Learn how to share the Gospel. Everything we do can make a difference eternally. Each conversation we have can point to God. It can build another's faith, open heart doors to salvation, lift up a struggling fellow believer, confirm faith in you. But bringing someone to that moment when they call upon Jesus Christ is key. Practice listening for those things the lost say that open a door for you to share what the Lord has done for you. Practice entering that door in sincerity, praying the Lord will give you words, courage and that the Holy Spirit will work. Make yourself familiar with how to pray with someone who wants to trust Jesus Christ as Saviour. We musn't be reluctant to lead others to Christ because this is the primary way He's planned for it to be done!
Work toward a career or in a job that will provide for you financially and give you practice at letting your light so shine before men. Observe circumspectly. That means to take notice of all that happens around you. Stay strong in right as you will likely observe much wrong. Don't try to fit in somewhere by doing unrighteous things. Your stand for what's right is a lifeline to others who have followed the wrong and don't know a way to stop or get out of that situation. The Lord will always provide for His followers so don't think of yourself as desperate and needing to compromise in order to keep a job.
Build relationships with all ages. The one person God has for you will appear on the horizon someday, but don't be looking, seeking, longing. The Lord won't let you miss that one person. But learning how to listen, extend kindness, enjoy fellowship, be a true friend to every age, from the youngest to the elderly and infirm are qualities that will greatly benefit your life.
Save and spend wisely. Are you honoring the Lord in how you use your money?
Do you tithe at least 10% of your income? Do you give to support missionaries beyond your tithe? Do you save a portion of your income? We cannot out-give God but we sure can out-spend our resources. Perhaps ask your Pastor about handling your monies according to the Bible. If you took a week of writing down everything your see, read, and hear about what you deserve, need, want - you'd surely find that the world wants your money. As a single, discipline yourself to get only what you NEED. Don't buy on impulse, think about purchases for a day or two or three. Definitely don't spend money on time wasters that interfere with God's plan for your hours and days.
Be a good steward of all that you possess. Desire to honor the Lord and wisely use everything you possess: your health and body, your time, your clothing, your electronics, your car if you have one, your books and what you read, your mind and what you put in it, your vocabulary, your energies, your monies, your reputation, your living space. All of these aspects of who you are can bring honor to the Lord. Your life can become an ensample (living example) of what it means to truly live for and in the power of God. As time goes on you will accumulate more to be responsible for. Practice now.
As a single who is not yet married, work on becoming a whole person. Get to know who your are IN CHRIST. Many young adults get married not really knowing themselves. As time and life go on they seemingly change....their mate doesn't like this changing. The change comes because they GROW in their personhood. It is better to know who you are now in the LORD and marry someone who KNOWS WHO they are in the LORD, so that as you grow in life and in the LORD, it works with both of you. It's actually what makes marriage so meaningful and lasting!emple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? For ye are bought with a price; therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God’s” This means that even though we have a free will, if we recognize the great and loving work God has provided on our behalf, it is only reasonable that He deserves our full trust and willing obedience. I don’t know why we would rather do things OUR WAY as we only get ourselves into trouble, mess, regret, heartache, etc. I Corinthians 2:9 says, “But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.”
One day a special someone will enter your life. It should be someone God has worked to bring you – not one you had to go find. You will want to be ready and right. You won’t need to rush anything even though it’s very exciting to finally “see” this treasure God has for you. Until God provides this special someone you have quite a bit of work to do.
Such as…
Establish as sincere walk with God. Attend a Bible teaching church faithfully, and willingly serve as the Lord leads. You may not be able to teach a class or commit to something every week because of school or work, but there are things you can offer to do as needs arise. Participate in fellowships and let the church family be a family to you. You may think you don’t have much to offer, but your mere presence and willingness to be a part of the family means more to others and the Pastor than you would know. Read your Bible every day. Daily read chapters of Psalms and Proverbs. Meditate on what you read. Seek the Lord’s wisdom and how his word applies today in your life. “Through the Bible” schedules are available online. Even if you miss at times or can’t keep up, keep reading! The lost world NEVER reads the Bible, you will be blessed because you do!
Learn how to share the Gospel. Everything we do can make a difference eternally. Each conversation we have can point to God. It can build another’s faith, open heart doors to salvation, lift up a struggling fellow believer, confirm faith in you. But bringing someone to that moment when they call upon Jesus Christ is key. Practice listening for those things the lost say that open a door for you to share what the Lord has done for you. Practice entering that door in sincerity, praying the Lord will give you words, courage and that the Holy Spirit will work. Make yourself familiar with how to pray with someone who wants to trust Jesus Christ as Saviour. We musn’t be reluctant to lead others to Christ because this is the primary way He’s planned for it to be done!
Work toward a career or in a job that will provide for you financially and give you practice at letting your light so shine before men. Observe circumspectly. That means to take notice of all that happens around you. Stay strong in right as you will likely observe much wrong. Don’t try to fit in somewhere by doing unrighteous things. Your stand for what’s right is a lifeline to others who have followed the wrong and don’t know a way to stop or get out of that situation. The Lord will always provide for His followers so don’t think of yourself as desperate and needing to compromise in order to keep a job.
Build relationships with all ages. The one person God has for you will appear on the horizon someday, but don’t be looking, seeking, longing. The Lord won’t let you miss that one person. But learning how to listen, extend kindness, enjoy fellowship, be a true friend to every age, from the youngest to the elderly and infirm are qualities that will greatly benefit your life.
Save and spend wisely. Are you honoring the Lord in how you use your money? Do you tithe at least 10% of your income? Do you give to support missionaries beyond your tithe? Do you save a portion of your income? We cannot out-give God but we sure can out-spend our resources. Perhaps ask your Pastor about handling your monies according to the Bible. If you took a week of writing down everything your see, read, and hear about what you deserve, need, want – you’d surely find that the world wants your money. As a single, discipline yourself to get only what you NEED. Don’t buy on impulse, think about purchases for a day or two or three. Definitely don’t spend money on time wasters that interfere with God’s plan for your hours and days.
Be a good steward of all that you possess. Desire to honor the Lord and wisely use everything you possess: your health and body, your time, your clothing, your electronics, your car if you have one, your books and what you read, your mind and what you put in it, your vocabulary, your energies, your monies, your reputation, your living space. All of these aspects of who you are can bring honor to the Lord. Your life can become an ensample (living example) of what it means to truly live for and in the power of God. As time goes on you will accumulate more to be responsible for. Practice now.
As a single who is not yet married, work on becoming a whole person. Get to know who your are IN CHRIST. Many young adults get married not really knowing themselves. As time and life go on they seemingly change…their mate doesn’t like this. The change comes because they GROW in their personhood. It is better to know who you are now in the LORD and marry someone who KNOWS WHO they are in the LORD, so that as you grow in life and in the LORD, it works with both of you. It’s actually what makes marriage so adventurous, meaningful and lasting!